

Have you ever asked yourself why we have majority of this generation that are broken? Where it all started and how? Why many are under the influence of substance abuse and prefer to stay that way because the moment they are sober they are taken back to reality of the life of which they have been brought into? Why some declare themselves as orphans while the parents are still in the land of the living?

Toxicity has killed many families and today we are being raised in broken homes. Forced to leave the house before you can even be independent because it's unbearable to be in the same roof with them. You choose to rather go and live in the street having nothing where at least you will have the peace of mind than living comfortably while in the inside you are slowly dying like you have been fed a slow mortion poisonous medicine to cut you off piece by piece. While some of the siblings even turn blind eye because to them everything is going well and they choose to turn a blind eye.

When I concluded on the aggregate of 50% of the affected individuals, unfortunately I and my mother are included. Unbelievable right?

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