

women lives matter
I watched him get home drunk everyday, he used to beat my mom everyday for something as little as burning eggs .... they were just eggs but no my poor mother would be beaten to a point where she couldn't even move. I could hear her cry from across the room but what would I have done i was just a child.
until one day the man i called father came home with a group of friends, i still remember it like it was yesterday....
he came home and asked my mother to dish for them ,she did as instructed but like always my father had to find an excuse to beat her,
but this time was different if not the worst , he beat her up because the meat was too dry , "yes, too dry" ...
i screamed for help ,i cried as loud as i could but no ,he did not stop and his friends just stood there watching......
why can't they do something ,
can't they see that he is killing her ,there was blood everywhere.....
i tried to help but with my tiny body i was too weak to fight him off of my mother , eventually he stopped...
i tried to reach for mom , she was not moving .....
i tried to wake her up ,
my mother was not waking up and they just sat there drinking.....
i begged them to help me ,i pleaded with them to help but no one did ...
mama lay there helpless , she was not breathing..... i tried to tell them that she was not breathing , but no one seemed to care .
then my father said "she will wake up ,she always does" and they laughed
i ran outside for help but my father pushed me inside the house......

i was helpless mama is not breathing, i kept on repeating that but no one cared ....
my father slept on the couch like a drunkard he was...

until one of my father's friends made his way to my room he told that no one needs to know , i screamed, i cried ...... but no one came

no one helped me, instead more of his friend came ,they seemed to have found pleasure in hearing me scream ..... for a moment i thought , they were going to help me but no they joined him ,

my dignity was taken from me , and as i screamed they laughed even louder.....
i lay there helpless , like my mother in my own fathers house...

for what good is having a roof over your head if you are going to be victimized AND killed in it....


- women lives matter