

Land Of Darkness

"Some memories are hard to forget, some memories take us back. "While making some memories we want to create again.
Morning prayers are offered to Chukwu Okike Abiama, and the ancestors.
Although, my clan is well known for farming and other gifted things by Chukwu Okike.
The city of Gold and Riches.
I knew every corner, where secret things are kept from men and nourished at night fall.
And the nightmare that will live with me forever.
It was a sunny day.
June 17th, 2008.
My grandfather,
had invited me over for a deep conversation.
When I heard these strange sounds.
Uwazurike! Uwazurike!
The farm land had been surrounded by unknown men, leaving scores of people death with a deep matchet around it.
And your wife is on the verge of her last breath.
" aru"
The vultures, waiting for her to die. He said.

You could smell fresh blood from miles away,
Death body, trying to regain consciousness at all cost.
I have kept my peace in isolation for way too long..
until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify their hunter.
From my desk...
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