

Just (Written as a Response to Anti-Asian Violence)
I'm hungry. Maybe I shall find a nearby restaurant to eat at. My favorite restaurant.
But when I got there, there was a rude sign that said "No One Who is a Foreigner is allowed". How rude! I was born in another country. I hate it.
The next day, thousands of riots broke out. Anti-immigrant sentiment was growing, and no one is safe.
But then, the protesters started to get jailed. They were jailed by the police because they would not accept foreigners.
Everyone deserves equal justice. We fought back. We started non-violent gangs and protested. More xenophobes were taken by the police. Peace was at last, restored.
Now, no one deserves to be discrimated, no one deserves to be treated like so,some who doesn't belong. We are all humans. We need to stand by one another

(I wrote this story because I am a Chinese American).
© Snow W.