

Excerpts from "The Gnome Wars" A Novel by Richard C. Strong
Many..... or at least some of you, have requested I continue with my Gnome fetish...Er....Stories. I have been too sad to write for some time but I'm feeling better. So for those of you who want it....and those that don't, here is an exerpt from a short story (or maybe longer) that I was and am again working on......

Excerpt From........ The Gnome Wars..............

A work in progress by Richard C. Strong

This is Dick Comestrong reporting with the 22nd battalion tactical wing of the national guard. We've entered the city with a force of ten Abrams tanks and support vehicles and have met relatively little resistance. The town is strewn with corpses in various states of desecration. Many are decapitated or disemboweled and almost all seem to have been gnawed or chewed on is some way. The smell is sickly sweet and overwhelming. I am looking at a woman in a blue dress, covered in blood with remnants of white bandages hanging from her limbs. Her legs have been tied to a flagpole lanyard and she has been raised to the top of the flagpole where she is flapping in the breeze. Believe it or not, many of the soldiers in the convoy are actually saluting this red white and blue corpse flapping in the wind at the top of a flagpole, which I find rather bizarre, obscene and patriotic all at the same time.

Several of the gnome creatures dashed across the street a bit ago and were cut down by 50 caliber fire, exploding like little red tomatoes being hit with a hammer. The gnomes get smarter with each passing day and the mutations continue. In addition, there is disturbing new evidence that the gnomes are reanimating whole or portions of their human victims and turning them against their antagonists. Yesterday, we lost one young soldier to a large 3 legged female torso with a teethed snapping vagina that literally jumped into the vehicle and engulfed his head and promptly severed it, expelling it from the dead woman's buttocks like some short haired smiling bowling ball. Another soldier was choked to death by a vicious two legged penis that we managed to photograph immediately prior to the attack. These gnome creatures seem to have an affinity for human genital parts for reasons our scientists have yet to discover.

The vast majority of soldiers have rigged up metal or ceramic codpieces and bras to protect themselves as the gnomes go for the genitals first in the vast majority of attacks. The CornHoler gnomes as we've taken to affectionately calling them have proved especially troublesome. Their pointed heads are as hard as steel and they have massive stalk legs which propel them into a man or women's orifice at speeds up to 30 mph which usually results in the explosion of the victims innards outwards and a little cone headed gnome wearing the hapless victims head as a hat. To combat this, a number of soldiers have begun using shaped explosive suppositories which can turn an attacking gnome in to a crimson expulsion of flatus while propelling the soldier forward several feet in the process.

the gnome rapes have continued as well, resulting in bigger, stronger, smarter and more aggressive gnomes.........................