

an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

Ostrich are large, non-flying birds that live in Africa. Besides in their natural environment, ostriches are often breed as farm animals because some people like to eat their meat, eggs or to wear fashion products made of their skin. Although they are killed for commercial purposes, they are not endangered. There are around 2 million ostriches that can be found around the globe.
Interesting Ostrich Facts:
Males, females and young ostriches have different colors. Males can be recognized by black and white color. Females and young are usually grayish, brownish and white.
Ostriches can survive without water a long period of time. They will absorb water from the food they eat.
They like to eat locusts and small animals such as lizards.
Ostriches are the fastest running bird. They can run faster than lions or leopards.
Ostriches don't have a breastbone.
Unlike other birds, ostriches have only two toes.
They have very strong legs. One kick can kill a lion.
Ostrich has the biggest eyes in the whole animal kingdom. Its eye is bigger than its brain.
Ostriches don't hide their head in the sand. They will lay their head on the ground if they sense a danger. Color of the head blends with the color of the ground and it looks like the head is hidden in the sand.
Adult ostrich has excellent immune system which means that it can't become sick easily.
Ostriches are the biggest and heaviest bird. They lay huge eggs. One egg weighs like 24 chicken eggs. It takes 2 hours to boil a single ostrich egg.
Female can recognize her own eggs even if they are mixed up with other eggs.
Ostriches have a bad temper. If two families (adults with young) meet in the wild, they will start a fight. Winners will take over the offspring of the defeated couple.
Ostriches are very old birds. They are present on the Earth at least 120 million years.
In captivity, ostrich can live from 30-70 years.
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