

"Scraping this wrist, I wrote a worthless barcode, there is no other place I'm waiting to be thrown out..."

At the town of night raven there is a young talented girl named Luna, she is just 15 years old with a sky blue hair and brown eyes. She wears her favorite white lolita dress.

She's a cheerful girl who likes to play around with her friends. She also loves to study magic spells like ailments manipulation and healing magic.

Being too smart and too advance, some of the people in the village envied her.

"Like dead leaves that fall to the surface of the water and sink if it disappears..."

One night, the locals reported to the mayor of the town that she is studying dark magic, they even put a curse on her friends and blamed her for doing it.

Luna having no clue of what happened, the angry mob of villagers including her parents swarmed her house and called her a witch.

"Mom, Dad? What are you doing? Luna looking outside the window from the front of the house, said with a scared tone in her voice.

"Don't you dare call us your parents witch?!" Her dad said, consumed in anger.

"Me and your father raised you like any parents, how can you cursed your own friends?!" Her mom cried out in sorrow.

"C-Curse?" Luna stuttered feeling a knife pierced her heart. "I-I didn't do such things"

"Mom! Dad! You have to believe me, I would never do that!" Luna cried out but her parents just ignored her.

"Liar! We will not believe a single word that's coming from the mouth of an evil witch!" One of the villagers cried out.

All of them throw their torch at the house and the fire quickly spread at the front yard, Luna screamed in fear and she quickly run towards the backdoor to escape.

The villagers noticed this and quickly chased her through the night to catch her so she can be executed.

"The wound that I hid for a long time, there is no cure for it..."

From her fear, she accidentally entered a mysterious forest. The villagers stop chasing her and realized that following her inside is not worth the risks.

Unaware of this, Luna kept running deeper inside the forest with tears streaming down her face. Her appearance is all messed up, some parts of her beautiful dress are torned because of the branches and thorny plants.

While running, she didn't see the broken branch on the ground, so she stumbled and falls down face first in the forest floor.

She just laid there, feeling physically and emotionally tired from what happened earlier.

"My favorite picture book, I accidentally tore and threw away the last page, a happy story that I didn't finish reading..."

A few minutes have passed, she realized that no one is searching for her, not even her parents.

"W-Why? Why do they blamed me?" She mumbled on her arms while crying.

"Why are you crying?' A small voice said.

She was surprised and she quickly sat up to look around her surroundings. Her vision is blurred because of the tears on her eyes but after wiping it away with her hand she was struck with amazement from the view around her.

All around her is full of lotus flowers and the moon in the sky shone through the flower field to make them glow beautifully like a star.

"Where am I?" Luna asked herself.

"You are in Hosunohana forest" The tiny voice from earlier said.

Luna was looking around and trying to find the source of the voice until the biggest flower in front of her is starting to bloom.

"I'm over here, silly" The voice spoked out again but this time it was coming from the flower.

She looked at the flower in confusion and suddenly get startled when a fairy fly infront of her.

"I'm sorry for startling you" The fairy said to her.

Luna quickly look at the ground and said "It's ok, you are not going to hurt me, are you?."

"No, fairies are peaceful creatures" The fairy reassured her and looked at her messy appearance and noticed her wounds.

"Oh my, you poor thing, what happened to you?" The fairy mumbled worriedly.

The fairy used her magic to heal up Luna's wound, after that she noticed the young girl tearing up, she flied closer to her and patted her head with her tiny hand.

"There, there, you've been through alot, didn't you young one?" The fairy comforted her.

"I was exiled, e-everyone is calling me a witch, they all blamed me for cursing my friends, I-I wouldn't never do that to them, never!" Luna cried out. "All the people in the village hated me, including my parents!"

Luna finally broke down into a sob and the fairy was saddened to hear this.

"Tell me young one, what's your name?" The fairy asked her with a calming voice.

"L-Luna... My name is Luna.. I'm sorry for putting you with all my problems" She said to the fairy between sob.

"Don't apologize, so tell me Luna would you like to stay here with me?" The fairy said to her and smiled at her warmly.

"I-I'm more of a trouble than you think" Luna said nervously.

"Of course not, we are friends now, are we not?" The fairy said to her.

"Are you sure?" Luna looked at the fairy with her teary eyes.

The fairy smiled warmly and wiped her tears away with her tiny hands.

"I'm more than sure, from now on, I will be the one who will take care of you and I won't let anyone or anything harm you" She said to her with a warm comforting tone.

Luna smiled at the fairy and held out her hands so the fairy can sit on her palms, she bring her face closer to nuzzle the fairy, which she replied with a hug.

"Sleep now young one, you have suffered enough, tomorrow is going to be a new day" The fairy said and she begun to sing a lullaby for her.

"Sing a song about that sadness when playing, Lotus flowers open gently,
In this dirty mud keep sinking all the time, sleeping,
I wonder oh why, the color is so beautiful..."

Luna laid in the middle of the lotus field. While the fairy sang her a lullaby, her consciousness slowly begun to fade as she drifted off to the dream realm.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I based my story from Reona's song know as Lotus, I recommend checking it out if you like some japanese song. The meaning of her song is so powerful.
© Dave