

we are into the second half!
Many believe and celebrate the New year, so much that they tend to be less concerned about the importance and power of the second half.
Averagely, there are 365 days in a year, when it is been divided by two, we get day 182. And this Day is July 1st. It is called, *the Beginning of the End!*
According to the Book of Ecclesiastes 7 v 8, the Bible made us to understand here that, *" THE END OF A THING IS BETTER THAN THE BEGINNING"*. So how do we atleast have a preview, glance or clue of what the end looks like?. It is simply from the second half, why? because it's closer to the end than the beginning.
That's why towards the end of cooking beans, you can determine that the beans is almost ready to be eaten.
Trying to determine the softness and readiness of the beans, from the beginning of your cooking, is just a precious waste of time.
The end of a football match is most times, not determined by the first half, but by the second half. Same thing applicable to the months of the year.
You may be wondering what's even so special about this *"Second half"* of a thing?

📌 *Because the full time whistle is not yet blown, you can still pull out a miracle!*
Just like in a football match, some players have lost hope during the first half; they became filled with despairingness, they could no longer believe they can ever gain victory over their opponent after a loss from just the first half. Some have actually given up!
But may I tell you that you should never give up, despite you not being on form, the mistakes, the flops and the lost of possession during the first half of this year, but I'm assuring you that you can still put out a victory, just like a...