

This Is When Why HowWhere mi life began
I don't know when I started to be fucked up you can ask my mom but she's dead my starrs my start
this where I begin. I was conceived under the influence of whiskey & smoke . My first chance of running away was the age of three but my parents were one up they had my name an address on my genjacket I wore I always got picked up an returned to the door my parents never knowing I was ever-gone.
1969 man on the moon on black &white television I was four and all ready hideing from my Sunday school teacher, this probably why I'm not normal , an I always thought it was parents upbringing.
WOW to reflect on one's life .is that on the turn of old age . My life at the age of three was great , running around falling down I was a naturally falling down drunk butnobdy new . I was the waiter I delivered the beer the horse-shoe pit was happening I was consuming at age three Oh Boy what why when how my life turned out to be.?

till the chapter goodnight