

Rich to Poor
Once lived a girl in a beautiful home. She was as well a beautiful girl. She had every thing! Her dad had made alot of money because he had made a job from scratch, that soon grew up to be a huge business. Layla was an only child so she didn't have to worry about not getting what she wanted. Layla had gone to a private school, and had a tutor who did all her work for her. Layla always got A+s on her work because the tutor did it for her. Layla had lots of friends. Everyone wanted to be her friend because she was the richest and prettiest in the whole school. Layla was a spoiled brat. But one day, her fathers business started to go down. Day by day he made less money. Until one day, they had made such bad money the goverment decided to shut the whole buissness down. The family was devastated. They didn't have a back up plan for this so they had no idea what to do. Soon the family didn't have a nice car and they moved into a small apartment. The family lost more money by the minute. Layla moved to a public school and got horrific grades. Layla was depressed. She didn't know how to handle her self. She was constantly getting in fights with her parents because she didn't get what she wanted. One day she packed her bag with clothes blanket small pilow and her stuffed teddy she had since when she born. When the clock struck midnight she was gone. Nowhere to be found.