

Dead in the dark
As someone who frequently travels by road and enjoys experiencing the natural beauty and authenticity of my surroundings, I have noticed that people seem to have stopped caring for each other and this is taking a toll on animals. Cows, in particular, are often struck by cars at night, resulting in their death. More than 900 cows die in car accidents every year, which is a major cause for concern. It is heartbreaking to know that these voiceless creatures are being killed without any fault of their own. This situation highlights the need to be more aware of our surroundings and take steps to protect innocent animals.

Now, the only thing that can be done is to be careful. It's not just vehicles like cars, but in India, huge trucks carrying loads at night are unable to see the animals and end up hitting them. These animals are innocent, and we can be careful while

driving to avoid such accidents. I humbly request everyone to be cautious while driving and be aware of other innocent animals.
© Ananya mishra