

Timeless daily event good and evil clash!
( An imagined example story)
It's a cycle of life large in range.
Good wants to come and help.
We'll say that's me wanting to help and heal you.
Of course comes crafty evil always jealously chasing down good.
Trying hard to wreck the pure one.
That's your toxic lover the culprit of your near destruction.
Either ramble on it in complaints and grunts if pain.
Or gamble on it stake a part of it go all in it.
It's fate you pick your call don't hesitate choose!
Capable to wait for a follow through on actions indispensable is the time to meditate .
I'm not perfect or all the way good but I have grasped tightly the potency of good wiping out evil.
I hope you imagine my affections toward you as a blessing.
Never forget how blissful it was with our past connection.
Whether this love is good or bad for me matters not as long as you smile in the towering peaks!
Love two stories.
Which is eternal joy?
With whom lies all images of timeless fear?

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