

Working for rewards or remuneration for a period is just a sum total of many other things. We could work for other thing including the kids, the young and the aged at home. We do also work for those we are responsible for. Everytime and effort spent on something should naturally yield some results. Frankly, failure is one of these results but that is usually the last resort. Actually failure is even not on the least because in failure comes another result we often do not not cherish but that which paves the way another beginning.

Activities are not completed through wistful thinking or imagining or some miracle elsewhere but we get our daily bread through coherent series of steps and procedures. Depending on the part of believe you may have harnessed for the past years, the Ancient of days who created the universe after six days rested on the seventh. This stipulates the amount of energy that must have been spent after this period. Yet there are those with the belief that manner still falls from heaven. Well I beg to differ and I must say this is far from ever happening in the twenty first century or even beyond where technology has not already taken root but will continue to be the change society yearn for and dread at the same time.

It is cherished by the mere fact that it makes life easy but the question still remains as to who will be in control in the near future; the machine or man? Having said this, the time and effort dedicated to make an activity come to conclusions can and must never be in doubt.

To get things done, be it the making of coffee, the preparation of the most expensive dish or erecting the highest skyscraper in the world demands series of steps and procedures. These steps have been laid down already with the origin of some dating back to several centuries and having been refined over the years are now in their best if not perfect condition for greater things to be done. Let's get things done and in addition to getting them concluded, let's ensure the procedures are well checked out, for that is what separates products that stand the test of time from those out of place.
