

If your words had a voice
Giving your words a voice... If your words had a voice what would they say or reveal..... Just a few examples: ~a deaf mute speaks through sign language ~a baby coos ~ a power of attorney an affidavit or living will Is your voice or words when you can't speak for yourself. When you go to the doctor and he or she asks your symptoms or chief complaints, or ailments these are words voiced by you. You go to the store and your looking for an item, they say May i help you? And you tell them what you want, this is giving your words a voice. Same applies when you are in a restaurant to order food or a clothing store. This may sound gruesome but even a an autopsy has a voice. Give death the same respect and you give someone in life... An autopsy speaks for the body even in death to tell the examiner, coroner what the need to know. How they died. Cause of death, and approximate time of death and sometimes if it occurred some where else. How long they have been dead? So you see if you give or if your words had a voice, they would have a lot to say.... Be Better Than Blessed!!!!!!