

Gone is too Late
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."

You liked me. We became friends and then lovers. You were patient with my heart ache from my previous relationship. While I accept you in your struggle to stay sober from drugs and alcohol. I was a introvert while you were and extrovert. We were completely opposite of each other. What brought me close to you was that you listened to me and cared. Even when you broke my heart, I knew you still loved me. And that you would always love me.

However, I didn't want my life to continuously be like that. Especially, since you havd type 1 diabetes and you would go in a coma life state as your mother cared for you. It scared me! I feared that one day you could be like that and I would be the reason why you died. So when highschool was over, I wanted a new path. We went separate as I left town.

About 2 years later I came back. We were dating other people so we didn't really get to connect. Then one day we hung out late one night. I was single while you were still with your girlfriend. We walked around town and ended up at a park. You told me your problems and I told you mine. You asked me for a kiss. I rejected it because I didn't want to cause you to cheat. Then you asked if you would ever have a chance to be with me again. I put my head down and stayed silent. You knew that is was a no. Eventually, we started on our way home and separated. As we said goodbye to each other it hurt for some reason.

The next day I was hanging out with someone else when you asked if we could hang out. We didn't! You got drunk that night at a party while I drank with other people. The next morning I got a phone call from my dad. The first thing he said to me was "Aaron's dead." I fell down the porch stairs. I didn't want to believe it. My dad came to pick me up. We drove by his house and I saw the police cars and whatever else that was there. Then I went to his aunt's house where everybody and crying. I still didn't want to believe it. I thought he can't be dead.

Then when I could see you at the viewing. As I walked up to you, I fell backwards as a screamed, "Why did you did it? I told you not to do it!" Luickly, someone was there to catch me. And for the next few days I stayed there to see you. I knew that I would never be able to see you again. I gave you a kiss. The kiss you wanted that night.

Sorry, I wasn't there for you. Not as much as I wished I had been. We were young and had so much life ahead of us. I know that if you didn't kill yourself, we would have always come back together. Maybe even had a child together. "You will realize a person worth when they are gone," became a reality to me. I got so focused on always having you, I didn't think about actually losing you. I was afraid to lose you and lost you anyway.

© typicallytasha