

I Would Like To Be A Leaf
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance? But if you don't believe in it, explain why.

I want to be a leaf.

I know, that is a what, not a who.

But, a leaf seems free and unbound.

I want to exist but I don't want to live. I simply want to be the spectator of life, watching everybody else live their lives.

I don't want to wake up in the morning or sleep in the night. I don't want to eat or drink. I don't want to go to school or find a job.

I just want to exist—with no purpose or reason.

I don't need to do my assignments in the weekends or attend council meetings eveey month.

I am free from every responsibility—free from this earth.

If I were a lead, I'd wait for the wind to blow me around the air—floating and observing life.

I'd wave hi at the plants, animals, and humans.

If I were a lead, would I finally be satisfied? Would I be contented to not pick up a pen and write when I see something noteworthy?

Would I be contented to not be a part of people's lives?

Would I be contented to not live at all?

I wonder, if I were a leaf, would I live for eternity all alone in darkness and cold?

If I were a leaf, would I still be given a chance to live again once I get shred to pieces or burn to dust?

If I were a lead, would I still be myself or simply a shattered piece of me?

If I were a leaf, would I still wish to exist?

© Rosabella Thorne