

loving the gangster
🔥Loving the gangster 🔥

By UC Beverly
Episode 3
"Don't f****** move"
Someone ordered pointing a gun at me
"Just do exactly as I say and you won't get hurt if you scream, I'll blow your head away ,now start driving"
He commanded as I sat startled,I couldn't move
He shouted
I starmmed fearfully as I began to drive,we passed bushes and deserts his gun still pointing at my head
"We've been driving for hours, please just let me go"
I pleaded
"Shut the hell up woman!!"
"Don't speak to me like that"
I defended and he began laughing
"I've hijacked your car and I'm holding you hostage and you're concerned about how am speaking to you"
He said the gun still inches away from my head
"You're a funny kid ,but put a sock in it you're giving me a danm headache!"
He responded angrily what the hell am I going to do ? How am I going to escape? I need to try to talk to him, make him see me as a person or maybe I need to be assertive,demand that he let me go ,show him that am no pushover!
"Listen here mister, I have been driving for hours,I have missed work and my fiance will be looking for me,you will not get away with this ,the cops are probably already looking for me"
I screamed angrily at him
"And I demand that you let me go right now"
I ordered
"Pull the car over"
"You're letting me go?"
"No ,I'm gonna fucking gag you because you are incapable of keeping your mouth shut!"
"I'm sorry I will be quiet"
I pleaded
"Too late love, pullover!!"
I stop the car and you drag Me out this was the first time I actually saw him he was masked with dark glasses and a cap he was wearing black and black we were at a desert
"So what do you want to do this?"
He asked folding his hands
"Please don't"
I begged as he removed his face mask, the dark glasses and cap .. oh.. my... God ... He was freaking hot!
"I gave you a chance to behave did I not?"
He asked angrily trust me to get hijacked by a guy who looks like he just walked off a damn cat work
"What do you want from me?"
I'm not going to hurt you, not unless you forced my hand that is, I just need your help"
He spoke calmly
"My help?"
I asked and he nodded
"We still have a few more hours to drive so we can do this the easy way or the hard way"
"What's the hard way?"
"You travel the rest of the way in the trunk"
"The boot??, No I don't like the dark"
"So you want the easy way?"
"What is the easy way?"
"You travel upfront with me and you keep your damn mouth shut"
I'll take the easy way"
"This is your last chance now get back in the car and behave"
he commanded entering the car and I joined but he drop this time around what does it mean my help with he said he wasn't going to hurt me, then why the hell does he have a gun ?and where are we going ?this is bad, this is very very bad!
.( Author's note): since we don't yet know the name of Abigail's kidnapper let's call him unknown)


F***!!!! ,The bastard set me up the place was supposed to be empty now the feds I probably looking for me and I have a danm hostage, when i rescued that kid in Sicily,I swore to myself that it would be last job that I will move away and start a new life now look at the shit I'm in , fuckmylife!!

(The next morning)

{Dawson's pov<}
Ring ring
"Good morning doc...I just wanted to know if Abigail is ok she didn't show up for work last night"
"What do you mean she didn't show up for work last night?"
I asked angrily
"I was here throughout but she didn't show up"
"And you waited until now to call me?"
"I'm so sorry I thought she was with you"
"I'll talk to you when I get to work"
I hung up the call angrily and dailed Abigail's number but it was on voicemail
"Hey, it's Abigail I can't come to the phone right now you know what to do"
"Abigail what the hell is going on? Why didn't you turn off for work? Call me as soon as you get this message"
I hung up what the hell is she playing now?

..........{Forest reserve}
"Hey wake up!!"
I strung up from sleep panting rapidly
"Relax we are here"
"Get out"
He said coming out from the car,we were in the middle of nowhere I'm never going to be found it took a deep breath and came out from the car
"What is this place?"
"This is your new home for the next 2 days"
"Say what!!?, Is that my phone?"
I exclaimed staring at the phone in his hands
"You won't be needing it"
He said and I glared at him
"No signal out here anyway"
He added walking away as I heard some rustle in the bush
"What the hell was that?"
I screamed scanning around and finally while inside the cabinets
"There's something out there"
I said fearfully as I want to where he was and slipped falling flat on the ground
"For f*** sake"
He glared angrily crossing his hands
"I heard something outside like a.... a... monster?!"
I explained fearfully as he rolled his eyes
"It's probably a wolf or a bear"
He responded carelessly moving away
" A b......bear?? Like a real life bear?"
I asked as he arranged the chairs
"Are you for real? We are high up in the mountains of course it's a real beer"
"Are you serious!!!!, Bring me back right now, this is kidnapping"I screamed and he rolled his eyes staring vividly at me
"Like I said earlier, my fiance will be looking for me"
I added
"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
He asked folding his hands
"then stop running your mouth I told you that I needed your help as soon as I get it I will release you unharmed"
He explained
"What do you need my help with?"
I asked gently as he sat down on the couch
"I'm glad that you asked"
He said leaving a smile on his face as he undressed
"Oh my god"
He sat down and pulled off his top and it was then that I noticed he was injured , the nurse in me wanted to run and help him but the way he leaned back on the sofa and eyed me out had me frozen to the spot.. he lit up a cigarette never taking his eyes off mine ,my heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode but I couldn't tear my eyes away from him as I looked at the wound I knew he'd been shot it looked very close to some vital organs and I can't understand how he's still walking around,my eyes were drawn to a tattoo that covered his arm and as I slowly dragged my eyes over the details I felt almost hyponised this guy was the definition of a bad boy strong Jaws,eyes that would pierce your soul and those abs!!, To call him sexy would be an understatement I can see why some women who would sell their souls for one night with him but no sir,, not me ,not my type .this man is dangerous I feel the heat rush to my cheeks as I suddenly imagine rubbing my fingers through his hair as he presses his body against mine.. then throws me on the bed and..... What the hell!!!? This man hijacked my car,took me hostage and I'm fantasizing about his babies running around the garden, what the hell is wrong with me I want to punch myself in the throat right now..I took a deep breath and try to control myself and as my eyes found his, he's giving me 'what the fuck' look ,shit!! Yep he knows I was checking him out I quickly looked away in barracks trying to look anywhere but at him

"Take it out"
I ordered
"Excuse me?I don't know what kind of a nurse you think I am but I have a fiance and I'm not taking out anyone's..... Anyone's..... Anything"
Someone kill me right now, what the hell is she thinking?
"I meant take out the bullet"
"Oh, wait, what!?"
"Take out the bullet, that's what you're here for"
"I'm a nurse not a doctor you fool, I cannot operate on you"
"Listen very carefully love, if I die out here then so do you!!"
. Tbc
End of episode 3
Will Abigail agree to help her unknown assaultant or will he make a run for it???
Find out in the next episode of
. Loving the gangster
This story is brought to you by UC Beverly