

Take part in Vaccination(A Request)
I am listening from many people in India that they will not take injection,

because of farm bills or because of
Modi government,I examin this situation and I got a report that in previous vaccination programme also ,people were in fear and they negotiate for taking vaccines of influenza etc. at that time .And in today case in India ,some people are refusing this vaccine to inject to themselves because they do not like,Modi government, just a second think above from this Political Mania,I know India is only the country in the world ,who have highest number of intrest in these political party ,but in villages of india ,now the people are making the theory that ,nothing is Corona , and this irresponsible behaviour will only harm us ,So for Corona Vaccination programme take part in huge number,because virus do not differntiate that this people is of which political party or of which caste or of which relegion ,so we also do not say no to doctors or aasaworkers in angaanwadi becuse of any political issue, this is not an order ,this is only request . So take part in vaccination.


Janhit mai Jaari
© yeshu Goswami