

Magic Wizards Ep 5: The Tank Experiment (Part 6)

Today's Read: Full of observing talks and details. Is Tank giving away his suspiciousness already? What is Sheila and Tori talking about? If you wanna understand the story more please go back to the previous episodes. Let the story continue.

Ep 5: The Tank Experiment

The Wizards and Rascals were now on the outside of Tank's house. Because they had never been there before or didn't know him personally they stood out far in the yard. Most of them were looking forward to this. At least Quincy and Rascals were, and kinda Rj. All except Rege. He was not too happy especially after what had just happened between him and Madison. He even thought about bailing out on them but he didn't. After moments Tank finally came out. Holding a big grin on his face to hide his seriousness.

"I'm so glad you could make it." He said stopping right in front of them as if he were a boss.

He gave them each a blank stare and kept quiet for a moment. Looking at them one by one. Examining by appearance.

"Nice style!" He finally spoke to Rege who was still dressed in his dress clothes.

"So...I know that you're all wondering what we're going to do and I'll explain that when we get there, but before we do get there are they're any questions?" he asked still holding his gaze.

Rege faced his friends. His face was still frustrated about the Madison thing. And right then Rj and Quincy knew this wouldn't end well.

"I got one. Why did it have to be today? Huh. Today on an important day for me that's now ruined?"

He looked back at Tank.

"Well im sorry, it's just that i had this day already planned a day before head of time. But..i promise you'll see why soon. Any more questions?"

Rege was really annoyed with the answer Tank gave even though it was the truthful one. He kept his mouth shut and looked twards Quincy. Rj looked next along with Rascals.

"Well Quincy...? It seems you do?" Tank spoke noticing that something was on his mind.

"N-No I just what to know," he stuttered a bit, "why we're here?"

His stutter turned into a nervous laugh. Tank kept quiet and just smiled again.

"Just follow me." he said. Starting to walk away towards his garage.

Meanwhile there was a Restaurant called the eat out in Greenville. Where Tori and Sheila were gonna meet. Sheila was already there sitting. Sipping on a glass of beer just when Tori had walked in.

"Finally! What took you so long?"

She said finishing her last sip before putting it down. She slid Tori a glass over that she ordered before she got there.

"Sorry im late, is that.. beer? But how did you..."

Before she could finish her sentence Sheila pulled out a fake ID. Placing it on the table.

"We're becoming adults now." She smirked.

"Um, are u sure about this?" She asked nervously slowly grabbing her glass.

"I'm sure. That's not what we're here to talk about anyway. What we're here to talk about is..."

She stopped to look around makig sure no one was listening, then leans in to talk to Tori. (To be continued...)

#Mystery #Thriller #Suspense #Magic #Love #Heartbreak #Teendrama #Greenville #WizardA #WizardB

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