

Evil Part 1

December 31st 1999

Luke sat, facing his window, watching as the snow fell to the ground. This year, winter was harsh, bitter and long.

On his table, sat his present, unopened. Why you ask? It was sent from his absent father. The man who never even cared as much to send well wishes on his birthday.

Upon receiving the gift, from his father, he was ecstatic, but dread soon came. His father had died 1 year ago, today, December 31st 1998. The question remained. How did his father send him this gift? If he had passed and the worms had begun eating his rotting corpse?

From the moment that he had received the gift, he hadn't dared to open it, shock came and then curiosity struck. Now, here he sat, awaiting to see what is inside.

The present wasn't big, just a small box, no more than an A4 peice of paper and about 3cm thick. But what was inside?

With shaky hands, and nerves shaky, he touched the box. But emmediately let it fall to the ground. For some reason, when he touched it, the box felt hot. He looked down at his hands, feeling a slight burn tickle.

He neared closer to the box, but before he could grab it. His bedroom door slammed open. His mother stood at the doorway, She looked at him, at the box and called him for breakfast, then left.

Luke, took another glance at the box, picked it up, it was cold, left it on his desk and went downstairs. The box could wait a couple of minutes.


January 9th, 2000.

A new age had dawned, and people found it weird adjusting to the thought of continuing their lives. It's been a couple of days and people seem to forget that they almost thought that the world was ending.

Now comes the predicament. Luke's mother had told him to open the gift, he had not dared. On one side he wanted to rid of it. The other side told him to look inside.

So later that evening, after a warm bath, hair still wet, damp clothes on his body, he took the gift, used a knife to open it, because for some reason, it was taped closed. Almost like someone didn't want anyone to open it.

He lifted the lid of, and upon shocked, found a peice of paper, lying inside the box. It was blank. A single white paper, with nothing on it, or so he thought.

Luke picked up the price of paper. turned it around. And look at him, are two sunken eyes, hollow and a creepy drawing of a women. He guessed it was a women, because the drawing had long hair. That was all, just the drawing and nothing inside. With his hands, he felt around the box, and there truly was nothing more.

With a slight chuckle, Luke began to laugh, then a tear fell, more fell. And before he knew it, he was crying. Was this a sick joke? He spent so much time contemplating on what was inside, but low and behold, some sicko played a silly joke on him. It seemed rather too much, for Luke. He took the paper tore it to pieces and threw it in his bin.

His father, really was a jackass.

That night, Luke lied awake. His emotions were everywhere. For some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling off, he didn't know what he felt, maybe it was past trauma of abandonment and reviewing this weird gift, his absent father or maybe it was the fact that this was all too much for him.


The next day, he was awoken by his alarm blasting on his bedside table, he checked the time, shocked that he had slept in. With haste, he rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

When he arrived downstairs, ready to eat breakfast. His mother with a peice of paper in her hand, dropped it in front of him. There on their new kitchen counter, was the picture that his father sent him. But Luke had torn it to shreds the previous evening, how could this still be intact?

He examined the peice of paper, trying to see if maybe his mother had perhaps seen it I his bin, reassembled it and taped it together. But no, the whoel peice of paper was whole. Not even with a scratch on it. What was happening?