

"Lost it All"
I've lost everything single thing I had in life as well as sever any ties that I had with everyone in my life, and more than once. I have moved as far away as I could from the only place I had known since I was just a little kid. I've had to start over, over and over again.
Starting over is difficult, at any level. Picking yourself up to stand on your own two feet is hard enough when you are already at an emotional low. It's even harder to do when you are forced to leave behind everyone you know to ensure your own safety. When I say everyone, I mean EVERY one, even your own children. My kids were my entire reason for being and being a family was the only thing I would ever consider being as important to me. I cannot even imagine anything that would come close to how that experience permanently affected me. I'm a strong person. I'll get over it, if you'll give 5 minutes but, losing my home, my husband, my friends, my career, my family, and having to move across state with nothing more than a few outfits... changed me. Permanently. There is no, "getting over," that kind of trauma. There's no way to accurately describe what it's like to experience those situations. You have got to experience them yourself to be able to relate, unfortunately.

© W. Helin