

No. 28
A bright light flashed through a hole.

The shadow of a child, sitting down, was cast on the white floorboards

Child : .......what in the world...

There were white walls around it. Was it's eyes broken?
The first thing that came to it's mind was not where it was, but instead who it was.

Child : W-What's...my name... (stands up frantically) What's my name...?

Suddenly it noticed a table in the corner of the room, it had a pen knife and a piece of paper on it. The child held up the paper.

Child(squinting) : 'Child No.28. Features: black hair, brown eyes Age: 9'

It didn't utter a word for 5 minutes.

Yet it believed that was who it was.

Child : My name is No.28 and I am their test subject.

It scratched it's head.
What was It? Why was it here?

A deep voice came from outside it's white prison cell.

Man behind door : Come out. It's time for the next experiment. Don't keep me waiting.

The child's mind was ringing. It didn't understand what was happening.
It wanted to stay put, but it's legs seemed to want to follow the man.
The child knew the man was not to be trusted.

Suddenly it remembered something...this had happened before.

I will continue the story some other time.
For now, if you want to hear more, choose one of these options and comment.

Option A- Follow the man, but take the pen knife on the table.
Option B- Follow the man.
Option C- Stay put and hide yourself.

I also want to say thanks to everyone who has supported me.
I really hope I can finish this story 😂
But not right now, I have no ideas yet...