

Charlie! Charlie!
That day dawned on us like any other.

My family-what was left of it- and I were ready to leave the ramshackle of a place called home. The place had many good memories but the bad memories conquered and over powered the good ones.

Stepping into the car I gave our old house one last look not knowing when I'll be back. We all knew that the possibilities were slim for any of us to come back due to the events that occured. The events that not killed my brother but my benevolent mother.

Looking back tears pooled in my eyes as I remembered the events that led to the death of two important people in my life.

It was cool morning Saturday when my twins brother and I decided to have a sleepover. Of course ma amd pa were against it but we always had our ways when it came to them.

Our friends-Kayden, Luca, Samuel, Kyle and Reign-came and we were ready to have fun. My mother offered them cup cakes before dinner was ready.

While waiting for dinner we decided to pass by time.

"Guys I think we should play Charlie Charlie," Kayden suggested to which I rolled my eyes.

I can't lie it's not like I hate my twin brother's best friend it's just that I would plug out his life support to charge my phone. Everyone knew about our love hat relationship. It was hilarious how we argued over the silliest of things.

"Oh come on Mark," Enrique my brother pleaded with me.

"Yeah Mark we all know that shit ain't real." Luca said pleading.

Puffing some air out I agreed to their silly game. I could see the smirk on Kayden face, he clearly won the first round. One for Kayden zero for Mark.

We took a piece of paper and divided it into four boxes. Balancing two pens on each other we started playing.

I can't lie, I was scared shitless. I hate anything related to horror. Hate might be a strong word but that's the word fit for my feelings towards horror. I remember when I watched it I couldn't sleep for a whole a week alone or go to the toilet alone or go to the bathroom alone. Enrique had to accompany me every time I had to shower. Obviously he told Kayden about it, he never lets me forget it. I'm sure that's why he chose the game.

"Okay who will go first?" Reign asked.

"I will," Samuel jumped in.

The fool has always loved such stuff. In fact everyone around me loved such shit. Guess I was the only black sheep amongst white.

"Charlie, Charlie are you there?"

I gulped hard as my concetration was focused on the pens. It didn't move and I can't lie I was relieved.

"See I told you guys this shit doesn't work." I said.

"Aww, is the baby afraid." Kayden cooed at me pinching my cheeks.

"Fuck you Kay and stupid game." I growled at his stupid face.

"Bite me!" He mused chuckling as he brushed some hair out my face.

I scowled at his face and pushed his hand off my face. He had the last words as usual and I hated it. I always did but what could I do about it.

Since it didn't move we moved Kayden decided to ask another question.
"Charlie, Charlie will Mark die anytime soon."

Stupid Kayden and his stupid stupidity. Everyone's attention was on the piece of paper. Slowly but surely the pen moved to yes and my heart dropped.

"Did you see that Mark you are a goner." Kyle said smiling. Does he not get it? "It moved and..." He shut up finally realising it.

coming soon........