

Daunting Task
Eager to write, a poetic flair that circles the earth here and there. Scripting the essence of love, it's a daunting task. When words congregate as the last episodes comes to an end. Formulating it seems, preparing their costumes, performing a loveable scene that lifts.Words are rambunctious, kissing a beautiful actress lips. Expressing their warm connection when words follow every line written on the manuscript. It's a daunting task. That poetry lives inside an hourglass. Causing sprinkling piles of sand to increase, the weight flips over, starting again. There's a need to explain what poetry feels about love. Something like a gentle touch, an infant's smile, a white dove flying about. Love is all these things and so much more. Love is a bouquet of red rose delivered to her door. Perhaps it is intoxicating wine receiving from her lips. And the fluttering of her eyes that becomes a spiritual lift. Love simply means holding her hands beneath the willow tree. Protected by the shade covering our intimate wish, that know one else can see.
© Daniel Mason