

Who is a SOULMATE ?

A Soulmate is someone who have a connection with
You feel as though you have met the person
Who makes your life complete just by being there.

You can talk for hours about everything
That comes in mind and
These hours just seem to fly right by
And you just want this time together to last.

You have them on your mind
Even if you are busy with your other work
You know that this person is "the one"
You just know it in your heart.

Your meeting was not just by chance
It was your destiny and
You know the smile you hold,
Means so much more than expressed.

Soulmate is someone who understands your silence
And texts you before you share with them
A soulmate is not only the life partner
But a person close to your heart
Someone whom we always want to be connected with
Someone whom we feel comfortable with.

Eventually, you get to know each other better
And you just seem to know what the other is thinking or feeling
Your connection is just seem to grow
It's the connection of two souls with mutual understanding, love and care.

And this only happens to a lucky few
Where I see myself blessed
To have you in my life.

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- progressive Yogita