

The mouse that bit the cable
In a very lively house,
A mischievous mouse without measure,
He decided to gnaw on a cable without fear,
And the situation quickly became complicated.

The mouse with its sharp tooth,
He approached the cable so connected,
And with great impudence he began his work,
But the electricity gave him his pain.

The mouse made an amazing jump,
And flew away like a bright comet,
With his fur standing on end and fear in his eyes,
He swore to himself never to be naughty again.

The cable was left with a hole,
And the house without light, a great despair,
The angry owner claimed without restraint,
And the mouse hid with great malice.

“Damn mouse!” the owner shouted,
While the little mouse trembled like a little one,
Thinking about how he would fix his big mess,
And promising not to be such a disaster again.

In the corner of the house he hid,
With the tail between the legs and the fear of a rodent,
But then he remembered that he was a clever mouse,
And with a plan in mind he came out resolved in his dispute.

He continued on his way with great care,
And found an abandoned socket,
With hyperbaton and colossal effort,
He managed to connect it and fix the problem.

The light returned to the house with great relief,
And the mouse was seen as a genius,
The owner, upon seeing the repaired plug,
He thanked the mouse, previously so hated.

The mouse smiled with great satisfaction,
And a great lesson was born in his head,
"Being naughty is not always the best thing,
And with cunning you can fix the big mistake."

So the mouse returned to his antics,
But with much more caution and sanity,
And he never wanted to gnaw a cable again,
He learned that electricity is not a kind game.

And so ends the story of the naughty mouse,
Who learned from his mistakes with great appreciation,
And now he lives happily in his cozy house,
Without causing more problems with his great playful ambition.

Dragonfly 🦋
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