

New year
New year came in there way of days or night by the God's permit. We are all there in. we never stop the that time specifically. The earth revould arround the sun and itself. so that all fractional time as it newly, because time never stop, it is running spontaneously. So we need to use its at there every fraction positively or Humanscally. New year came as the days like othere celebrations or festivals. So it is not isolated perticularly. it is only time periodically.
All the leaving creatures or plants are agely come through its periodically at all movement or yearly procument exactly. So the panaroma, scenario and atmosphere are accomodate to this earth. But we are the human, those are not respect wisely to these gods permitting entity or attribute. The beauty of of earth is the given of God. But now a days it is not better calculated wisely or humanistic protection expeditiously. God's permits by the human creature who is capability to save the beauty of earth. But now a days the wise persons are habitual of destruction of this beauty of earth for there own negative personality. Which is bad effect to other innocent creature or plant destroying causes. So it need to save atmosphere of nature, save the God's give as earth. Which not for all human, it is also as equal to the others creature also. it should remember in our mind In this earth, all life are well depend upon each other. If we all given God to this earth blindingly made absolute to make united to each other. So if one thing is lost then balance lying other is became heavier, so on to other values expiditiously each others So keep your life with other necessity from you, then as a wise say.
Happy new year 2024.
© Chittaranjan Nath