

Good over evil
In our life there are two types of people - good and evil and today I have a short story kind of play with a great moral. Let's see who wins, good or evil .

Narrator : There was a family in a remote area of a city. The father was a genius . He was also very hardworking. If I brief up he was the best in all fields of work. His name was Rakesh . He had a son named Ramesh who was very sweet and intelligent.

Rakesh : (sighs) That was a great day at work.

Ramesh : Papa ! Papa ! Please tell me a story. Pleaseeeeee...

Rakesh : Ok ! Ok ! I will . But let me atfirst get refreshed .

Ramesh : Okay !!

Narrator : Rakesh gets refreshed and comes back with a beautiful story .

Rakesh : Ok ... get ready Ramesh .

Ramesh : Yahhhhh !!

Rakesh : So let me start . Once but not a long time ago , there lived two girls in a neighbourhood. One's name was Ritu and another's name was Geeta. They both went to the same school. Ritu was very notorious while Geeta was very kind and polite . Geeta wanted to befriend Ritu but Ritu was jealous of her due to her academic grade . Geeta was very good in studies but Ritu was an average student due to her instable mind (talking and talking) . Ritu wanted to compete with Geeta but Geeta didn't . Even Ritu played dirty pranks on her . For example , one day when they both were going to school during the rainy season , Ritu saw a pothole filled with mud , she splashed the mud on Geeta and so Geeta's white school dress got ruined and so her day too . Another day Ritu sat behind Geeta in school and pasted a placard on her back telling ‘I am dumb’ . Later when their class noticed it and they started to laugh on Geeta . Geeta got frustrated. Ritu even played pranks on her neighbours. For example , one day , she told her neighbourhood's shopkeeper that his wife , Meetu aunt , was calling him . They were newcomers in that society , so they didn't knew that about Ritu . He told Ritu to sit in the shop for five minutes and then he will be back. Ritu getting the chance , took all the chocolates and maximum noodles and left . The shopkeeper was at a great loss. But now Karma came back to Ritu . One day , when she was going to school with Geeta , Geeta stayed back at a shop to buy some pens. She told Ritu to go , so did Ritu . Later , she rode the cycle at full speed and tried to hurt a cat who was crossing the road but she didn't notice a pothole and she fell . Her hand got fractured but there where no such external wounds . She cried for help but no-one did thinking she was playing a prank again . But by that time Geeta came back . Geeta was about to help her when Ritu out of ego told that she didn't need her help . But Geeta told "Ohhh! Ritu your hands are swelling let's go fast to the doctor it's emergency, understand. Ritu saw the motherly figure in Geeta's eyes and her heart melted . She went to the doctor with the help of Geeta. She understood her mistake and told , " I am really sorry for so many bad things I have done with you . I have understood my mistake. I am ... I am ... really sorry" , and by saying this she started to cry . Geeta was feeling happy thinking that finally Ritu understand her mistake. Ritu after this incident did not cause any trouble to anyone. That's the end of the story. So , what moral did you get Ramesh ?

Ramesh : Polite speech always wins over negetive things ! Or I can also say ... umm ... GOOD wins over EVIL .