

To all the kids who were strangled to death by their friends, family or the society.
Friday, 5:30 pm, somewhere in the outskirts of Varanasi, sat 2 kids with a cup of tea in each of their hands in the riverside, watching the dying light fade into the horizon.

The girl took a sip from her cup and looked at the guy. He was trying to hold the hot cup in his hand and take a sip. After trying thrice, he got up, headed back to the tea stall and brought an empty cup, poured half of the tea and let out a sigh of relief. The girl started laughing and he snapped out of his world and said, "Whaat! If I weren't careful, I'd have burnt my tongue and disappointed all the kebabs calling out to me".

The girl is Ross and the guy is Shubu. They have been best of friends for over 3 years now. In the era of friendships that complete their lifecycle in 1 year, 3 is not a bad deal. 3 reminds me of... Ross woke up to a call from Shubu 3 in the morning and he said, "You always keep turning down our plans saying papa won't allow. Now papa, next pati, when will we meet then? Get ready buddy, we are meeting in 3 days. Pick a place." And they made a quick plan for the following weekend and ended up here.

Ross: "Shubu, have you always been like this?"

Shubu: "Like what? 🤔"

Ross: "Like this, childish."

Shubu: "When someone is born, they are born as infants and grow into a child and then to something else. You can't skip a stage of life, can you? But as you run this race of life, keeping track with the wheel of time you reach a stage where you have to make a choice. Some people find it ridiculous to act like a kid in their twenties and think the kid, they have once loved so much is now dragging them down. So they decide to drop them and go with the flow. Some don't even get to decide for themselves. Friends, family and relatives a combined force of what we call the society, mercilessly kill them kids. Since I was fortunate enough, I decided to keep him alive and protect him with all my might."

"Life begins with a stage in life when you can hold a lollipop in your hands and no one says a thing but you are afraid to hold a cigarette as your father may disown you and ends up in one where you are embarrassed to hold a lollipop in your hands as they are for kids and you are a grown up man/woman with cigarettes, a part of your daily life. Somewhere in between, you have lost the child in you, once you so dearly loved. And that's heartbreaking."

*Ross listens in awe*

Shubu continues, "You know why I didn't get rid of the child in me? It is because he feels everything with the highest of intensity. He still makes and sails paperboats in the stream of water when it is raining instead of posting 'rain, books and tea is life' on instagram. He loves like a lover. He still loves people and places and objects and creatures when people don't give a damn. He lives his life in this deadzone when people are just surviving. He asked me to give life another chance when I was about to end it. He asked me to make friends when I gave up on friendships. He asked me to love again when I was surviving as a diljale. He teaches me how to live. He is my Hero."

Shubu: "Phew, I gave a long speech, eh? You hungry? Let's grab a plate of kebab. I have heard they are quite famous here. My treat!"

*Ross snaps out of it and they get up*
*Never say no when a friend is treating you as it is a rare event*

Kid and Friends: Part I


© TheMaskedIdiot