

Fifteen years in Christ.
I am celebrating my fifteen years of total surrender of my life to Christ. When I say total surrender I mean giving him all my life, my thought, my business, my finances, my problem and my family, everything that concerns me.
Has it been easy? No but I needed to run this race because the bible asked; what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the lost of his own soul. I left the past behind but striving to run a good race that will end well. I want to proclaim like Apostle Paul who said behold I fought a good fight of faith I have finished the race. I wish to end well.
The race costs a lot, it cost a lot of letting go, falling, tests, battle, betrayal from people, sometimes it costs me to be by myself especially when others are not heading where I am going. It cost a continuous sorting, knowing who is doing me good or bad.
I grew both spiritually and physically with every test I pass through. I had the ability to realise that going back to the world will be the last option. The most important thing in this journey is my being able to see God accompanying me in each of my battle and how He is fighting and winning it all the time not just one time.
I am a living witness that there is God, if you have not found Him in your own life that means you are searching for something else that is not God because He promised in his word that "if you seek me you will find me."
Discernment was one of the precious gift I obtained during this fifteen years. I define descernment as an ability to say no to sin, ability to choose what is right against what is wrong, ability to do and be good even when no one is watching, the spiritual eyes to read people through their writing, on phone or while they are standing before me. I grew greatly in hearing the voice of the holy spirit.
Am I now a saint? NO I still have my struggles and that proved to me that I am saved because those things that I derived pleasure in before are bitter now and even when I try to do otherwise I noticed that it is not me doing it.
I grew heavily in waking up everyday to ask God what I can do for him and his people because I know that He is able to take care of my own problem so I bother more on God and his people and less about Self.
Has God been faithful to me ? Yes even sometimes when I am not faithful, He has always been there, always on time even when I felt he is always late but I have grown to knowing that his ways are not my ways and his plans are different from my plans and I call this part of the spiritual growth.
I have never fought any battle in my life more than the ones I fought in the past ten years but I kept moving with the word of God that "He that is in me is greater than He that is in the world." I grew to knowing why I am facing a lot of challenges and battles. I knew that I am carrying something that the devil is after. He knows that I am born to lead, the devil knows that the mention of my name will put his Kingdom in confusion. He knows the winner and conqueror in me and the last thing he can do is to rest or not to try to fight back, but I still maintain He that is in me is greater.
I cannot exchange this awesome life with any treasure or pleasure in this world. I also know that the battle and race is not over but I know one thing for sure that He that started this journey must surely finish it.
I am in for Jesus ...the Author and the finisher, the beginning and the end, the mighty man in battle, ancient of days, father of the fatherless, a name sickness hears and flee, a name that puts confusion in the devil's head, a name that the heaven and earth adore, a name that has no comparison, oceans hear his voice and they are still.
On this journey I realised that my salvation is more to just going to church, claiming to be a christian without knowing the word of God. God is searching for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth not does that goes to church and still not doing his will.
Have you ever asked yourself if the trumpet sounds now where you will be?
A little question to ponder. God is still searching for his lost sheeps. He is still searching for you and me. You will not have anything to loss but a lot to gain. Today is the right time, tomorrow might be too late.
Remember there is no praising of God in the grave.
God bless
© Dr. Patience Johnson