

.. ordeals, for unknown
Was there a point in your life that you wanted to stop, quit, and leave everything behind just to disappear to the point of changing and hiding your identity?
was!?, it's always inside, to such a stage of my mind, that i always ask him the perennial qurstion, of why me, to the perennial answer why not you.

I too like numerous many like to live a perishable bubble life, booze, babes, bashings, and headaches.
But, the haunting yearning to know something, so convinvincingly close, yet, alludingly far, beckoning,.. making me tearful, plucking my hair, beating aginst the wall,.. why me,... why not.

People irritayed by my silence and withdrawal, withdrew,.. as if from a wreck, which thankfully I'm.
Life seems trivial,.. compared to my trails.

You, whoever you are, do give a high, and i seem to be talking to you,... i do, like a servile wife to the amused you.

But, you do know me don't you,... i do seem to know you.

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