

Phonecall 📱📞
Phonecall 📞📱
- 071420
-kathykath 💗

Grateful I am it is undeniable.
For all the things we've done, I'm grateful
For all the fights we've been through, I'm grateful
For all the moments turned to memories, I'm grateful
For all the laughters we've shared, I'm grateful
For everything we've together sailed on, I'm grateful

I know things will no longer be done
according to plan.
A week or two, I haven't heard anything about you.
My bad for I was expecting things after I blocked you.

Occupied by my thoughts and what ifs made me do such thing got me lose interest of you.
I feel so sorry but I hides it safely.
Stalking you all day long that hurts me deeply.
Thought things were what I get used to.
Not until 14th day of July came.

2020 is the year, I am sleeping awake.
Thinking of you I was distracted by a phone call.
I opened my eyes and to my surprise , I answered the call.
The time was 11:36pm my eyes watered as I hear your voice. But my heart scattered,

by first name you called me,

"Kat? "
I end up the call. Thought that would be it, so I tried again to sleep, but I got back to my senses and answer again your call.

By first name you call me again,

"Kat? "
"Katrina Carla? "
I'm not comfortable; I am hurt I ended the call.

Latenight at 11:50 of the 13th day of July, your 3rd attempt I answered but got hooked up when you ask me

I just remain silent as I ask myself

"kamusta kana nga ba?"
I stopped for a while then utter to break my silence

"Okay lang"
I answered falsely as I jump out of bed to give us a time.

We've discussed things about last two weeks, the reasons behind were concealed still.
My tears were just falling, my voice were cracked.
You've telling me things that got me breakdown.
As I am listening to what you were saying I just sighed.
Seemingly a bid of your goodbye is a final.
I don't wanna let things get ruined so I just shut up.
I chose to not to tell anything though I have lots in mind.

Terrible it is, I knew it in fact.
But I have to be progressive, I will keep it an eye.
Hearing your last words as you named it all, I let my tears fall down, my knees weakens; I kneeled down, my body's shaking as the air breeze as cold as ice.

Late at night til dawn we're talking through a phone call.

I then stated my last words

"just be happy always with or without me"
with our endearment I called you,

"I am sorry and I love you I told you"

you asked me if there's any last words I have to tell, but I just greeted you

then on 12:36 of the 14th day of July the call ended.

An hour were talking but I guess that's the last minute.

There's a lots of things I have In mind.
But i chose to keep it for this will change nothing.
I stood up, dry my tears as I cried a river.
Tried to rest, I close my eyes but I was haunted by the words I've chosen to leave unsaid.

Nonetheless , atleast we met.💗
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