

Vinki&Bhikhu love laughs/ हंसी के ठिठोले !!
Vinki - Hey Bhikhu !
Bhikhu - Hi Vinki whatsup ?

Vinki - Sky, clouds, stars, sun, Moon and our neighbours who live above us.
Bhikhu - No, I am not asking about what things are above you.

Vinki - Then, what are you asking Bhikhu ?
Bhikhu - I am asking, how are you and how is your life going on ?

Vinki - I am fine and my life is going no where. It is still here.
Bhikhu - Oho you don't understand Vinki.

Vinki - Bhikhu !! But I am not standing under you, I am standing in front of you.
Bhikhu - Grrr !! Vinki you will make me mad.

Vinki - I don't know how to make mad. Can I make you tea instead ?
Bhikhu - You are so sweet.

Vinki - Really ?? When did you taste me ?
Bhikhu - Noo !! I am saying that your nature is sweet.

Vinki - But this is not my nature. Nature belongs to every creature who lives in it.
Bhikhu - Oh God ! Why am I talking to you ?

Vinki - But you are not talking to God. You are talking to me ?
Bhikhu - I will faint now, please stop it.

Vinki - How can I stop you from fainting ? I am not a doctor ?
Bhikhu - But your way of talking is making my brain roll.

Vinki - Your brain is rolling ?
Bhikhu - Yes.

Vinki - How ? I can't see it.
Bhikhu - But I can feel it.

Vinki - Wow you are so smart.
Bhikhu - Yes, I am.

Vinki - I am also smart.
Bhikhu - Is it so ?

Vinki - Yes.
Bhikhu - Then prove me.

Vinki - I can talk to animals.
Bhikhu - Show me .

Vinki - I can talk to my dog.
Bhikhu - Really ??

Vinki - Yes.
Bhikhu - Show me.

Vinki - I will bring it tomorrow.
Bhikhu - Okay.

The next day ...
Vinki - Hi Bhikhu !
Bhikhu - Hi Vinki whatsup ?

Vinki - My hairs, my eyebrows, my forehead.
Bhikhu - Oh ! I am asking how are you ?

Vinki - I am fine.
Bhikhu - Did you bring your Dog for talking ?

Vinki - But you can talk to me. Why you need my dog for that?
Bhikhu - Noo. You said yesterday that you will show me how you talk to your dog.

Vinki - Yes, I did.
Bhikhu - Okay , then show me.

Vinki - Okay I will show you
Bhikhu - I am watching.

Vinki - Okay Shonu (Doggie), I will give you a chocolate biscuit today.
Shonu - Bow Bow !!

Vinki - See, it talked to me.
Bhikhu - Where ? When ? What did it say ?

Vinki - I told him that I will give him a chocolate biscuit today and he said ,"Wow Wow !!". He said "Wow".
Bhikhu - I don't believe this. Do it once more.

Vinki - Okay. Shonu last night a theif entered in our house.
Shonu - Bow Bow !!

Vinki - See, it talked again.
Bhikhu - Where ? When ? What did it say ?

Vinki - I told him that a theif entered our house last night , so he asked me back "How How ??". He asked "how" .
Bhikhu - Noo ! I don't believe it. Once more.

Vinki gets angry and kicks doggie Shonu.
Shonu screams with pain - Bow Bow Bow Bow !!
Vinki - See it again talked. It said "Oouw Oouw Oouw".

#Comedy #Vinki&Bhikhu #comic #funny #laugh #funny #happiness #jokes #joy