

Journey to the Southwest 12

Day 12: Tenor Drum

All banders knew about a drum called tenor

A tenor drum is essentially a snare drum with the snare mechanism turned off, creating a more mellow, clear tone.
Today I got my hand on a tenor drum because literally I played snare during my university days but I have always liked the tune tenor drummers always display during rehearsals .
I have always wanted to try it on but because of low time in shuffling from snare to tenor I just decided to drop it but I had it in mind that I will one day play it to my satisfaction.
And before coming to camp, I decided I am going to change my drum from tenor to snare.

My thought became realistic today
I really did handle the tenor drum
Though I am not perfect compared to snare drum but I will definitely get there with practice
10 days to passing out parade and we just started rehearsing
It's only the big minders that will last in the race for perfection because we have a lot of beat to learn and to memorize but I am ready for it
This is not the first time I will handle drums, I know I will catch up, all I have to do is just sacrifice some night to practice more.

The days are going like a whirlwind
So fast that camp will end very soon
Activities coming up here and there
Choking and enjoyable it is
But all I did is to go with the flow
Sleeping off immediately my head hit the bed.

© Victoria Damilola

Day: 070/100