

❤: Its an ancient time methodology which is used for deep relaxation and keep peace in mind. In other words, we can say that meditation is a science of deep relaxation. You feel good and energetic after meditate yourself. It helps you to know about who are you and what is peace. It helps you to search about yourself. When you meditate It helps you to search about yourself. When you meditate you became a contemplative person, a thoughful person. Meditation is a melody which heals you. You can get an osm control on yourself and also it creates positive vibes. When you meditate you release negative vibrations. If you are full fill with sadness and may be in depression so meditation is a good solution. This makes you feel good and positive. Many persons fit by their body but they also need to fit mentally. Your body is just like a machine and you need to give little relax to your body in a day so meditation is a good way. ...
Where you can meditate?
Read part 2 for more......
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