

The Culling of Men, pt. one
According to Scripture, Jesus descended into Hell's underworld and resurrected three days later. While many believers take this literally, it is an allegory for the path that every man must partake in to become a fully self-sufficient and actualized individual.

The wounds, scars, and pain we carry have a place in our lives, functioning as the path that can lead us directly to the core of deeper meaning fulfillment and provide a positive path forward. This is what initiation was supposed to teach us–how to descend into our own darkness and return to a more complete and contributive member of society.

However, the educational system was established with its agendas, none of them resulting in an individual thinking independently or questioning authority figures. So, we were not taught the skill or alchemy of initiation, to say the very least. The world's pain has never been adequately addressed, so we resist it.

We are not only undereducated in the craft of transforming pain into purpose, but also sold a lie and indoctrinated into a cult of specialness. An individual in such a cult state will only be led down a self-destructive path to death, complete with amnesia about the truth. It is even worse because we have been conditioned to believe that there is little hope, believing that there is no point in caring.

As a generation, we were raised not by father figures or men, but by the women we married. Each generation of great grandfathers served in the Great War, while their sons fought in the Second War, without knowing how to cope with the PTSD that followed. Unresolved trauma was passed from our fathers to us, and they did not possess the skills or tools to deal with it properly. It is a fact that our generation comes into this world already suffering from ancestral post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and living in a nanny state of constant surveillance that is emerging as a result of a forthcoming technocratic nanny state.

Today, if we are given any tools, they include:

–suppressing painful emotions
–pouring a bottle of whiskey over the top and finishing it all off by rubbing one out for good measure
–rinse and repeat

As men, we have traded internal leadership, liberty, and masculinity for a safe job, mediocre marriage, and a lifetime of unsanctified dreams. The male figure has had his balls chopped off by a feminist, neo-Marxist, cancel cult-ure hell-bent on destroying the white heterosexual male figure.

But why? Because we have led the world into a patriarchal state where women continue to be mistreated and oppressed?

If women or any other social group, whether it be of race, creed, gender, or whatever, were oppressed, they wouldn't have the ability to voice their concerns from the comfort of their own homes. If they are given a platform to vent their frustrations without worry, oppressed isn’t quite the right word I would use. Perhaps the delusional, absurdly misinformed, self-proclaimed victims who follow the crowd because it is all they have ever known how to do. But not oppressed by any means, especially if they were born in America.

The hive mind mentality has got them by the balls and vaginas so much that even if they began to think for themselves, realizing their contradictory behaviors, the group would immediately reel them back in. This is why they had to take a page from good ‘ol Adolf Hitler’s book by going after the young.

When students leave home for the first time to attend school and university, they are typically all on their own. The sense of being alone in the world is overwhelming, so when the leader of a social group seeks them out and promises them lifelong friends if they join their cause, the offer is hard to refuse. After entering their cause, the indoctrination of political ideologies commences. Oh wait, I’m sorry. The brainwashing begins.

Now, they not only fight for whatever cause it is but also against the loneliness they felt before joining. It has gotten much worse, though, in that the indoctrinators have gone after the youngest of America’s future. Children in their elementary years and younger are being emasculated and feminized before puberty.

Parents are outraged, but many remain silent, not wanting to be shunned or outcast from their communities and PTA meetings for speaking out against the blatant inhumane policies being implemented.

The result will be even worse than our generation of depressed, anxious addicts of despair. The next generations will not only have all of these but won’t have a clue as to who or what they are physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually. This confusion can only lead to aggression or severe depression/suicide.

Every generation is being more and more indoctrinated into this cult of death.

to be continued..