

Suicide In The Church 😥
The Best thing is I should just go ahead with my decision . No one is ready to believe me , even my immediate family all bully me. oh no I can't find any reason to live again but before I go ahead with my decision I will make sure Pastor Jeff name is been dragged in the mud, he must pay for all what he did to me. (Sobbing)


Irene was an usher in The Glories International ministry, the 20years old irene was a very hardworking lady whom despite loosing her mum to cancer during her Teen, she still never give up on God. Irene was raised by her step mom whom her father married after the demise of her mum.
After her graduation from the highschool, things became hard for her dad so going to a college was not certain. Like every other person, Irene desired to go to college. thus, she decided to go to the General Overseer Of the church she attends maybe there will be any assistance he could render for her since she was a worker In one of his branches.
Pastor Jeff, the General Overseer Of The Glories International Ministry, welcomed Irene with a cup of coffee after hearing Irene story he replied that going to college was not an issue but Irene will have to dance to his beat.
irene agreed to Pastor Jeff's proposal of making their relationship private until he was ready to declare it open since he is still a bachelor.
Irene frequently visit pastor Jeff but in a coded manner, 3months after their coded relationship, Irene decided to ask pastor Jeff about her entrance to the college and when he will make their relationship Public. Pastor Jeff response was that this will be done after Irene agreed to lay in bed with him.
Irene been a virgin all this while never had sexual intercourse with this popular man of God but after much Persuasion she decided to have sex with him since he is her boyfriend and a popular man of God of whom she believed that the spirit of God dwells in him.
Few months after laying in bed with the pastor, he still haven't fulfilled any of his promises to Irene and this made Irene so sad and depressed. To worsen the case, Irene discovered that she was Pregnant, she informed Pastor Jeff but he immediately told her to get rid of the baby because he isn't ready at all for marriage.
Irene couldn't believe what the pastor said and with this she decided to confide to her best friend and to her step mum about her current state but all what they could do was to mock her and told her all she was saying was lies because how could she be dating the pastor without anyone.
Irene was neglected by everyone she trust and after series of death threats by pastor Jeff, she decided to get rid of the baby but unfortunately for her, there was complications and this affected her womb so she can't have a baby again.

(Present day)
Irene already worn-out and depressed decided to take her own life but before doing this she wrote a note about everything pastor Jeff did and how he made unfulfilled promises.
It was Friday evening, a church camp was going on so no one was available at the church, Irene took a rope hung it at the altar ceiling fan and hung herself.