

The Mansion
The mansion loomed over them as they approached it. Her heart sank with a foreboding that ran like rivers through my entire body. Suddenly I wasn't sure if it was such a great idea to be part of this investigation. The mansion glowed with eerieness And frightfulness. I wasn't sure I would wamt to continue.
be brave, mt heart told her, be brave.
So I stepped forward. The ranging river in my body didn't calm. It only ranged more and more.
I walked in to the cold mansion, and found an old lady. She was crying.
"What's wrong?" Iasked the old lady.
"I'm cold and starving" she replied to me, and then decayed onto the ground with nothing.
"No!" I yelled, and ran out of the mansion.
"What's wromg?" the leader of the investigation asked.
I told him everything. He was shocked. He said, "It was my fault. I discovered this mansion ages ago, but never shared or went inside with anyone to see what was wrong."
That was the worst day of my life. Seeing the old woman die, because no one helped her. Help someone, that's my message. Don't let anyone decay like the old woman.