

Planet Earth
The stars are my only friends. Watching them twinkle and shine across the night sky. The moon is my guardian. It watches over and keeps me safe. I love the night sky and all of the stars. Except for the sun whom I never loved. Too bright and too hot for me. Burns my skin and says that she cares but it hurts.

There's someone even worse than the sun. The human race. They don't care for me like they say. Very few do. They pretend to care only to hurt me. My surface covered with bruises from their constant torment. Half the time they don't even notice how much they're hurting me. How much pain I go through because of them.

Venus and Mars always make fun. They're happy that they don't have humans. I'm jealous of Neptune. They're the farthest away and don't have to deal with any of it. They don't get made fun of or tortured. They're at peace and I wish that was possible for me.

Then again, it could be worse. At least I'm not Pluto. The humans refuse to count Pluto as a planet because they're so small. They get ignored a lot. Pushed around by meteors. So I guess things could be worse, for me, planet Earth.

(got super bored and just started writing the first thing that popped up in my head. it probably sounds super silly...)

© Sam T. Parker