

A pawn in my own game
No news is good and no news is bad news, a moment where I had to make a big decision in my life whether to pursue another career path that I knew I was destined for or to complete my journalism program which I had enrolled for at Pearson Institute of Higher Education with the end in sight, so close but yet so far. I started questioning myself as whether I should study for the four supplementary examinations that I had, knowing that I won't study or even touch a single textbook for those modules. There I sat boxed in a box with all my thoughts as if I were in a wrestling match with my thoughts, the clock ticking away in the distance with every second that goes by it became clearer as to what should be done and what I must do.
Having had time to think about what I must do and what I can needed to be done, I finally built up the courage followed my heart and my instincts and ignored my mind completely, to take that leap of faith that I should have taken six years ago, all those years knowing very well which caree path I should pursue, I started slipping away, losing touch with reality and I was became distant with my family and friends. Lost in my own thoughts the more I slipped away, the more I lost touch with reality and became more distant with family and friends, as I was not happy with myself.
The following day, bright and early I jumped out of bed and put on clothes that laid out on bed, got in the car and raced...