

"Hey! Hey Sophie! You saw Eva's whatsapp status?" Amelia asked.

"Yeah dude! It was unexpected."

"Really! We all know she is straight. Then what's the matter for her to stand up for LGBTQ community?"

"Exactly. She has posted as if her life depends on it. 'The people belonging to LGBTQ community, are humans too just like us. We are no one to say whom they should love, whom they shouldn't. ' Ugh! Who even reads such long paragraph! It's boring!"

"I know. I know. Wait........"

Sophie raises her eyebrow towards her and ask
"Are you thinking exactly what I am thinking?"

"I think so?"Amelia replied with a smirk.

"She isn't straight!!!"
Both of them exclaimed simultaneously.

"Oh my! What if she is lesbian?"

"We should stay away from her then."

"Yeah! That's better."


"Eva.....I am so proud of you honey." Jack said.

"Woah! Proud of me? Why?"

"I mean even being not suffering the pain that LGBTQ people are suffering, you chose to stand for them."

"Ah. I just stand for what is right Jack." Eva replied.

"And that's what I really love about you." He said going to the kitchen giving her a back hug placing a kiss on her cheek as she smiles sheepishly.