

**"Stop please!!" I said pleading on my knees as tears filled my eyes. He gave me a wicked grin as he snatched Clover out of my arms, I was terrified, what was he going to do with my precious rabbit Clover?
He roughly laid her on the kitchen counter and brought out a butcher's knife from one of the cabinets.
I watched in horror as with one smash, Clover's head was off ,blood dripping from her neck.
He held her by the ears, its head hanging down and walked slowly towards me.
"Come to Uncle Henry", he said with a haunting voice.
I screamed as I dashed out of the kitchen to the living room, I scanned the room for anything I could defend myself with.

Peeking underneath the sofa was Uncle Henry's favorite dagger, I had hidden it there because he once threatened he would stab me with it. I snatched it from the floor and hid behind the curtains, my heart was beating so fast I was afraid he might hear it, then I heard his footsteps and his creepy voice.

"Don't play hide and seek with me darling, you know I'll always find you, I clutched the dagger tight and said a silent prayer with my eyes shut, I was scared, terrified, tired... angry, hurt!, so many emotions for a six year old girl.

His footsteps grew closer, "You're being a very naughty girl" he drew the curtains aside, and with one pounce I was on top of him, such swift motion pulled him down with shock, and I did the only thing I could think of. I stabbed him, and I did it again and again and again and I didn't stop until I knew he couldn't take it anymore.

I stared at those dead eyes of his, blood was everywhere, my hands included, it was beautiful. Te feeling of freedom swelled through me as a smile creeped through my face. I dipped my hands in his pool of blood and began to write on the floor beside him.
"I'm finally free, I killed him" It made me giggle as the giggle turn to more of a mad laughter.

Then there was a knock on the door,"Henry, is everything alright in there?", it was Miss Audrey, our nextdoor neighbor, she had always had a crush on Uncle Henry, but she hated my guts.

"Henry, open up". She urged on, banging the door. I glanced at the dagger still in Uncle Henry's chest and smiled.

© Willy_Bikky