

The howl that rang out the silent night was heard across the slumbering streets.
The hair rose at the back of their heads.
The monster had escaped..."Umulu wamfula " Am I in the equatorial rain forest where it rains throughout the year.
His nimbus clouds brings blessings each time I call on his name . With no clue when my life is folded in the cirrocumulus and cirrostratus clouds , he shows himself as God and wipes all my tears by sudden rains which is brought about by the cirrocumulus and nimbostratus clouds as an indication of answered prayers .
Finshi ulelila taata , maayo ,kanshi naiwe shibantu ? Talala kumuna ifilamba nokwisha
auti lesa wamaka .

"Batila experience ni teacher," moneni maayo ,taata ala ifichita" Lesa" fwamupamba saana mwinenuka please , mulu wamfula .
"Achila kambushi kasengula epo kekela," goes the Bemba proverb no wonder making peace with everyone person is very cardinal .
Work extra hard and call upon his name it shall surely rain regardless of the storm ,"mulu wamfula."
As impossibility and inability made you a gypsy who gyrates in such a manner that your memory of all your lifetime is hazy .
Take heed of the clergy's message and look up on the heavens from which they shall come hectic rains to change your story and to set you free.

© Mateo