

The smile of the Laundry Woman
She is always there, she is all smiles. It doesn’t matter if it’s a rainy day, if a storm arrives.

When you greet her she’s there, she says hello, how can I help?

Laundry woman has a gigantic inner power with her powerful smile.When I look into here eyes I feel her touch, I feel here love everytime that I go to her place.
In there love is all over around, it not hard to feel, not hard to find.

Sometimes in this country it is hard to find love in people eyes, but In here I always see that love. I always feel it, all I have to do is go and wash and she will be there again to spread love with her shiny eyes and powerful smile.

Love is hidden in every smile, all you have to do is stop when you find someone who has it on their eyes and realize that you can feel their power, feel their magic touch when you smile at them back.