

hard ending
one sunday morning at 6 am i got a knock on the door i got up from bed and went to open the door and looked it was a guy standing i could not see the face because he was holding a bunch of flowers covering his face holding ballon,gifts and much more things suddenly the guy screamed surprise i was shocked sam was standing sam my best friend who have went to london forever and i was really surprised HAPPY BIRTHDAY he started singing tears rolled through my cheeks he wiped out my tears i replied what are you doing you were in London than how come wait wait relax i have a news for u i will stay here and the reason i will tell u in few days i was really happy know . than he celebrated my birthday we had much fun than in night he blinded folded me for a min he took me to a place than after a min he opened my blindfolded i saw sam was kneeling down with a proposal but thats was the hardest moment he was waiting for my answer i wanted to give yes but i couldn't because i had a cancer and i have less than a month to live and i can never tell sam so i rejected him and left from there he was totally broken.

© yousna