

The Ruinous Day
My name is Chuck and I am the owner of Creepy Sales Inc. a multi-million-dollar company (before you ask no you never heard of it) and my hobby is the study of demonic cults. Usually, things are great but lately, some unusual things have happened. The day started normal with the family eating breakfast at the table in our old white house on Elm Street, Clarence, NY. The kids went off to school and my wife Pauline went to work at the hospital (she's a Nurse Practitioner). I was the last to leave as always, I went to work and came home.

When Pauline came home she smiled and said, "Hi Honey how was your day?".

"My day was boring and I was in a meeting all day" I replied. Pauline and I started to relax when the kids came home. I looked at my wife with a smile.

"Chris, Thea, can you please come here a moment," I said to them as they started for the stairs. When they came in they sat on the couch and looked at me. I looked at both of them sitting there with worry on their faces.

I smiled and said, "What's with the long faces?"

"Are we in trouble Daddy?" Thea whispered.

I laughed, "Of course not honey, we have a surprise for you two!"

They smiled, "Really, what is it?" They said in unison.

"Well, first things first we have to eat supper, then you will get your surprise." With a smile and some laughter, we ate a fabulous meal prepared by the best cook in the house, Pauline. After supper, I looked at Pauline and nodded.

"Well, I guess it's just about that time," Pauline says, she goes upstairs to our bedroom and gets the kid's surprise. When she came down the Chris and Thea were practically jumping out of their seats.

Pauline takes four pieces of paper out from behind her back and says, "Here they are!"

The kids look at each other and Chris says, "What are they?"

I smiled and said, "There tickets to see that movie you guys have been wanting to see."

They looked at each other and smiled, "Piper and Friends!"

They hugged Pauline and me and said in unison" I love you" -they looked at each other- "when do we go"

I smiled, "Friday night." Thea jumped with excitement knowing that they were going on her 10th birthday. "Happy Birthday Thea!"

Chris looking sad, knowing that his 5th birthday is Sunday said, "Daddy, what are we doing for my birthday?"

I smile at him and said, "We, are all going to" -I pause for a moment- "Florida for a week and, we are all going to Blue Rim park"

They both started to jump, "Your the best parents ever." they said in unison.

I sent the kids to bed upstairs and that's when everything started. When the kids were finally in bed we decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie. Halfway through the movie we both heard a loud thump and some laughing.

I said, “It’s just the kids.” Pauline went to go check on them.

I waited a minute and paused the movie. After 2 minutes they started to scream. I ran as fast as I could and as I was running up the stairs and down to the kid’s room all of the floorboards were creaking and groaning and a few almost broke.

When I got there they were lying on the floor their faces frozen in fear and, they weren’t moving or breathing. Then I looked up and saw what did this. It was wearing a grey torn up, robe and had blood-stained jagged teeth and a completely black face. It waved its hand and Pauline started to stir, she opened her eyes and looked at me saying nothing.

I said, "Honey are you OK". Soon after I said that she lunged at me and tried to scratch and bite me. We struggled and she got a few scratches in before I overpowered her. I backed away and she started to stare and then she collapsed back into the same state that I found her in. I thought to myself, that somehow and in some way, he has gotten control over the ones I love.

I turned around and said to the entity, “let them go,” but he laughed and kept on getting closer.

He smiled and said, “Come here Chucky boy”. I decided that my best bet was to get some help so I turned and made a run for it and decided that the attic would be the best route for my escape. I ran up the attic stairs and I saw the attic window open and a ladder that was there from when I was painting the house, so I climbed down the ladder and ran down the street. The last thing I heard when I was halfway down the ladder is that thing saying, “I like it when my prey runs”.

When I got outside the street was empty so I ran to the town square, where under normal circumstances was busy with people walking home from work or going to the park to look at the moon reflecting off the water or go to the old cemetery for veterans. However, today all of my friends, co-workers, and even people I have never even met were there just staring at me and not even paying attention to the downed chopper in the middle of a McDonald's. I started to veer away from all the confusion and look for a familiar place. I was running for a while and every once in a while I thought I heard a few cans being kicked and the demonic laughter coming from the alleyway. I stopped to catch my breath but, that was one of my biggest mistakes. I looked around me and saw everyone from the town square running after me. I started to run again for about a mile or two.

When I thought I finally found a familiar place, on the outside, it was one of the factories from the company I mentioned earlier, I figured that it was my best bet and I ran inside expecting to see the machines that make my product but, what I found was completely different. Next to the wall in front of me, there were three machines that were right out of my research books and they were used for torture, one of them repeatedly put plastic over your mouth for 30 seconds, another stretched the person out until their arms and legs popped out of their sockets, then the last one was set up to continuously waterboards them. On the East wall, I found the ones that I care about most, my family. They were wide awake and, were shackled to the wall and had their feet bound by twine. Finally, in the middle of the room, there was a glass table with a message written in blood saying “you're mine”. I heard banging on the door and knew I was trapped. I turned and ran for my family to attempt to get them free but the shackles were locked in tight and needed a key. As I looked for another way to get them out I tried to comfort them by saying that everything is OK even though things weren't looking good. I couldn't find anything in the room that could set them free. I said, “Let me and my family go, show yourself. I’m not afraid of you.” But I really was.

He appeared behind me and said, “I will only let you out if you kill your wife and kids.”

I said "No."

He said with playfulness, “Kill them, I know you want to,”

I said, “No I will never kill my family.”

He said with joy “Then I will have fun breaking you”.

He looked around the room and then laughed a little and said, "This will be fun". Then he looked at me and said, "There are three machines which one of your family shall I torture first, it's your choice!". I didn't know what to do this monster was going to torture my family and have fun doing it. Out of desperation,

I started to beg, "Please let us go, I beg of you PLEASE!"

He laughed and said, "I think you know the only way you will get out of this alive, now who shall it be your pitiful son, your lovely wife, or your little girl, the choice is yours. He started to get impatient and said, "Times up Chuck, time for me to choose, and I say your little girl, what's her name, ah I remember Thea, I sure hope she's flexible." I started to beg some more saying, "She's only a little girl, please stop this, please don't hurt her."

He looks at me and said, "I will hurt her and I will hurt the other two because YOU said no but honestly it's also because its fun.". He then starts to head for the machines and latches Thea to one that stretches her and then walked over to the wheel and starts to turn it and keeps turning it and turning it and as he is turning it my little girl is screaming her lungs out saying, "Daddy please help me", I started to cry. Then with four loud she stops screaming and passes out from the pain of both of her arms and legs dislocating.

Then he stopped to think and after a minute of thinking he said, "Why do one at a time, I say let's do the last two at the same time". Then with a flash, both my wife and son were strapped into the last two machines, Pauline in the one with the plastic, and my Chris in the waterboarding one. I looked at him and said, "Please stop this and let them go", he laughed and said, "You still don't get it the only way for You to get out of this is to kill them, all of them." He turns to the wall and pushes two buttons and both machines come to life. With both my Pauline and Chris constantly gasping for air, I realized that this won't end until their dead or until I am dead, so I said: "If you are gonna kill them, kill them and, if your gonna kill me, kill me because I don't care what you do to them I will never kill them". He laughs and said, "I'm impressed I haven't had prey like you for a long time and now I can't let you out of my grasp". He looks at me with a horrific smile and said, "So, if torturing your family won't get under your skin I'll have to use other means to get you to do what I want and by that, I think you know what I mean". It took me a second but, I did know what he meant, I knew exactly what he meant. I thought, "What can I do to stop this" but, it was too late. I couldn’t feel my body. I started moving he was in my head, I was powerless. I saw my family still strapped to those horrific machines and then I started to walk. I tried to stop him but it didn’t work I just kept walking.

I told him, "Get out of my body"

Then I heard him in my head, "Stop resisting and just give in and do it yourself, you already know you can't win so why fight."


He laughed, "You never learn, your family is dead either way so why fight when you can just enjoy it."

I started to tear up, "Please don't do this, they're everything I have left in this world."

"Well, if I can't convince you to do it then you leave me no choice -He laughed- "So who shall we start with, I know let's start with Thea"

"No please-"

"That's enough out of you"

I couldn't speak he somehow made it so I couldn't talk. He made me walk over and turn the machines off then, with Thea still laying there with all of her joints dislocated, grab a machete that was tucked under the machine. When I stood back up she woke up and said, "Daddy please help me". Then when she sees the machete she screams in horror. Just as she started to scream he made me lift the machete and swing. I tried to close my eyes but he wouldn't let me, he shot them back open. Then with two big thuds, Thea was dead and her head on the ground. He made me walk to my Chris and he made me cut off each of his limbs and with every swing, a shower of blood would cover my face and he made watch as he bled out.

Then he made me walk over to Pauline who is still breathing heavy from the torturous machine and slit both of her wrists and made me watch her as she slowly but surely bled out in pain and agony, her last word to me were, "I hope you burn in hell you murderous-". She was cut off by death but I knew what she was going to say. Then I was left alone my family's spirits gone to heaven and mine damned for hell.

When my family was dead he put me in a cell (On the cell wall was the symbol for demonic enslavement or death) and left me there for ten days without water or food (I had to use an alternative for water which was very unpleasant and I had to live off of rats and cockroaches) and I became very weak I was screaming every day for help, hoping someone would hear me, one day he came and gave me two choices (die or be his eternal servant). When he made me kill my family and said he would finish me I thought he was going to kill me. Instead, he made me choose to die a slow and painful death or be his slave for the rest of time. The choice was hard because if I chose death I would go to Hell and never see my family again, while at the same time I didn’t want to die or be a slave and never see my family again. It took me 10 days but I made my decision. I have to go, my master is calling.