

Tainted (a fanfiction based on Game of Thrones Series) Chapter 19
Upon her return to the camp, she had slightly gathered herself as if nothing had happened.
She went back to the servants' tent  only to find Leila there.

"Racy!" it was Leila.
"You weren't with Lady Sansa?" She asked her.

"She's in her deep slumber when I left her at the tent. Inid was already there to assist if she wakes up." Leila answered.

She sat on her bed silently.

"I saw the deserters from the  House Dreadfort being kept in cages. Said, they'll take them to Winterfell with us. I was worried you had recognized them as your own people. I am very sorry, Racy. I know how painful and hard it is for you how those who had served you being treated that way, but the Young Lords of Winterfell would never harm them. Especially, Lord Snow."

"But they will be kept in the dungeon, Leila. Like what they did to me. I couldn't bear to think, they will torture them and starve to death.."

Leila shook her head in pure disapproval.

"They wouldn't do that to your own people. They're not your father's armies , they were just servants like us..and harmless. Lord Snow would never commit such act to those who are innocent."

I know. It's only me who is always never innocent in his eyes, that's why he never stopped hurting me.
She silently muttered to herself.

"Don't be troubled, Racy. Everything would be fine. Don't give up all hopes." she hugged and tapped her back as she left the tent and went back to Lady Sansa's tent.

She was torn between going back to where Jon Snow was or just stay there at the servants' tent until she had finally composed herself, or, perhaps, until they'll hit the road again back to Winterfell.

The shame and hurt were all still there inside her and she couldn't face Jon right now.

It was sunrise when they had left the Wolfswood.

And by afternoon, they had finally arrived at Winterfell gates.

Bran and mostly the Lords of North were there, readied themselves to welcome the Young Lord and Lady of Winterfell.

Afterwards, both of them went inside the Great Hall of the Castle since Winterfell had prepared a small feast for Jon and Sansa's safe return.

She saw Bran  sits at the center of the main long table with Jon and Sansa at his sides when the feast began.

Racy stood at the corner along with the other servants. She could not set her eyes to where Jon was, for she feared he would humiliate her.

"Racy! Racy Bolton!"

She was startled when she heard her name. She turned her back and saw Wynfryd Manderly.

It has been awhile since she saw him. Their last encounter was also here at the Great hall, where Jon had hurt and humiliated her in front of the Northerners.

"Wynfryd! It's you!" A soft smile was written on her beautiful face as she had seen him again, her childhood bestfriend. She missed him.

"I have not seen you for quite awhile. How are you holding up, Racy?" he asked when they finally got out of the Great hall.

She made sure, Jon Snow would never noticed of her sudden disappearance for she had feared he would throw again his wrath at her if he finds out.

"I'm still alright,  Wynfryd. I was very busy tending the Young Lord of Winterfell." she answered.

"Is he always that rude to you?"

She avoided his gaze and he noticed it.
"N-no." she answered as they made their way towards the Armory. It's the only place they could properly talk without the prying eyes of  the Northerners.

"We never had the chance to talk after what had happened at the Great hall before, I was not given any permission to see you after that, Racy. But the Gods knew, I was terribly worried about you."
She could see the guilt flashed before his eyes.

"I know. Need not to worry, Ser Wynfryd. It's been a long time since it happened and I could not blame Lord Snow of his actions towards me since it was me who provoked him to do it."

She smiled bitterly when she remembered the time Jon had first laid his hands to her.

"Racy.." Wynfryd's handsome face went troubled.
"I felt very sorry and weak when I could do nothing to protect you. You are my bestfriend and I couldn't even shield you from Lord Snow's wrath.." he held both her hands and brought them to his face.

Racy cupped his face and smiled at him.

"It's alright, Wynfryd.  I understand. No one could ever protect me from him but only myself. Jon Snow is not a bad man,after all. It was the tragic situations that turned him cruel. And he still believed  I was really Ross Bolton's heiress."

"What do you mean?" he looked bedazzled.

"I was not Ross Bolton's daughter. My true father is at Dorne. I need to go there, Wynfryd. I must!"

He stood froze for seconds, his eyes were full of disbelief and amazement.

"Are you certain of it?"

"Yes! Maggy the herb-lore healer of Westerland had told me. She was my mother's personal servant. A Dornish woman, too. She told me of my true birth, Wynfryd! And I am so overwhelmed, I wasn't really the traitor's daughter. Jon would not hate me anymore."  tears fell from her eyes as she said those words. A bittersweet smile was formed on her lips.

"But, did Lord Snow believed you were not really a true-born Bolton?"

She shook her head.

"No. But I must give him some proof."

He went silent.

"Would you help me get back to Dorne?"

Wynfryd's expression had suddenly turned troubled.

"Yes! But without Lord Snow's permission, I think that would be a  very dangerous plan to take, Racy.."

"He wouldn't let me leave, Wynfryd, that is why I need your help. Take me along with you to White Harbor, and from there, I'll be on my own. Just get me out of Winterfell."

"How about Jon Snow? I know you couldn't bear be apart from him. You love him." his tone was not accusing her, instead it was stating a very agonizing fact.

Racy avoided his gaze. The air between them had suddenly became odd.

"H-how did you found out my true feelings for him?"

"I already knew! That day when he humiliated you in front of us Northerners.. I saw the way  how you looked at him, Racy."

"But he never loved me, Wynfryd. Truth is, H-he was bethroted to Princess Myrcella. And there was Lady Ygrette before her. And there is no chance  he would feel the same way I felt for him.."  her eyes went misty.

"You must not allow yourself drowned with your sentiments, Racy. This is a vast revelation of your true identity that had been finally revealed. You must claim what is rightfully yours. The true bind of fate is within your grasp now. Dorne is your birthright! And.. forget Jon Snow!"

He exclaimed.

"But.. I don't know how and where to begin with, Wynfryd."
There was a pure hesitation in her expression as she looked at him in the eyes.

"I can be of help if you would allow me." he offered her something, in which, now, she could not even refuse. Wynfryd is a great help for her so she could finally return to Dorne.

"I owe you this one, Wynfryd. Thank you."

She hugged him and kissed his cheek.
The latter did not expect of the young Lady's sudden gesture he went froze while staring at her in deep awe and fascination.

But he set aside those unfamiliar feelings he had suddenly felt towards her. He admitted, he had always cherished her. But since she was his childhood friend, he never dared courting her. A shame on him, in fact.

He already accepted the fact that cowardice had refrained him from doing so.

Both of them sneaked away from the Armory, so was the one who possessed a  pair of dark grey eyes emerged from the shadows..

© melai2020