

🌈 Warriors
Picture this one lost sole camping in the car all alone (me)
By a lake 14 miles to walk around with just mother nature kind of sounds
As i walk it starts to rain but i aint a melt i don't complain.

Thinking about what to do as it starts to rain, i take of my trousers trainers and socks and put them in the 🎒 ok Then i put my top over me and the 🎒 as the 🎒 is not waterproof so sad then i grab some 🍃 and put them ontop of the bag to stop the water from soaking the rest of the items i had and deside to walk 10 miles bare footed mostly around man made paths.

Then about 7 miles in i came across this van and ⛺ in the field, so as i walked passed i said hi how are you ? to which a lady replied good thank you. I said great have a good day Then i walked on but something inside me felt like i needed to hear more, so after about 3 minutes of walking i turned back around and went over to them again and spoke for about 5 minutes to then get told about a family of people world wide who meet up for the celebration of the moon she told me to go on rainbowforum.net so i could be shown.

The rest is history and if i see you there i will explain more.

Real talk be free be happy don't worry about other peoples opinions as they are just opinions.

follow what you you soul and spirit believe in not what others believe.

Love NEO xxxx