

Stay Green, survive tomorrow, help the Earth grow stronger! The Earths issues around global warming is shocking. Shame on you! If you know better, do better. That is the saying I have been living by my whole life. If I know that helping the Earth will create a massive effect towards change on the global warming issues then why not help. Why would I neglect helping my home! Some of you may not care about what I am saying because you may find all this talk about the Earth boring or the ‘oh why should I help If only me which is 1% of the entire population taking action will not do anything so I should not care if no one else cares so...!’  


To me it is funny, not funny as in Haha because no one is taking action (Some loving, caring people are, so if that is you Well done!)  It is because I had a conversation (You could say argument) with my Mum about how she wanted to change the milk we have in the fridge. You see, I have been drinking cow's milk (Semi-Skimmed) since I was a baby and I am overly attached to that milk. My mum said “Right, we are going to change the milk...