

Me and my car
This is my pride and joy. Nothing extravagant about it; it do its purpose; it takes me from A to B. It's just a regular car; not luxurious at all. It has been in my posession for some years now. Bought it used from a car dealer some years back and it haven't caused me any trouble since.

As you can see from the picture, it's a bit dirty (quite normal in spring time). Picture was taken last year, but things haven't changed much since then. It's the same old story every year.

These days, struggling with the Covid-19 virus, it comes in good use. The vehicle is used two times a week when me and my dad are going to the grocery store. In addition to that, small trips are taken; purpose being only to get some relaxation away from this virus. Of course, I do it without putting myself or anybody else in trouble. I just sit there in my car and watch each and everyone that passes by. I'm in no physical contact with other people and other people are not in contact with me. So, just like that I can sit there for hours, without doing much more than that. People may think I'm a bit weird, but that's allright. I can't stop people from thinking what they do; it doesn't bother me at all.

When this thing with the Covid-19 virus some day is over, me and my dad are going again on small trips with the car, like we always do in the summer time. When that will happen is uncertain. Hopefully things will change for the better. I cross my fingers and hope for better times to come.

But people, remember this : Stay Home & Stay Safe !!
